Welcome to Joe Planet's Website

Source of materials to
Computer Programming,
and Web Technologies.

October 24, 2012- This site is under construction.
URL of this site: http://joeplanet.freevar.com
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You can email me at joepplanet@yahoo.com

This website is also your source of materials in writing computer programs for power system analysis. You will be provided with theories, derivation of formulas, sample computation, programming techniques and source code in C/C++/C#.

This is your one-stop shop to be able to write an industry grade simulation software complete with graphical interaction. If you are a 5th year EE student or an MSEE student, you will find this site second to none. sparsity- a matrix with more zeroes than non-zeroes.
A power system with 1000 nodes may only have 4% nonzeroes and 95% zero values. The other 1% is for the diagonal of the Yus matrix. Most books you read on power system analysis do not describe how to write an industry grade simulation software.
. . . presenting . . .
An SDK for Electrical Engineers.
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